Dunedin National League team

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    At the suggestion of the NZice webmaster who seems to have insomnia issues or just likes to get up  early Im gonna start this topic by saying the Dunedin committee is right behind this idea now and have formed a sub commitee to to put forward a proposal to Southern region that we form a National league team. This needs to be done by October. I say this is inevitable and the only way to go forward.


    I totally agree.
    NZIHL here we come <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />



    That’s good Graham.

    It’d be good if the subcommittee could think about what the barriers are currently to the existence of the team. There’s a lot of us that support the concept, and would be willing to contribute our time/skills etc to help it happen. But we’d need to know what needs to be done. I’ve heard a lot of talk about money, is that all looking good? Sponsors? Management structure? International contacts for international players? Possible jobs for international players? Marketing for the team? Tops design and production? A hockey competition structure here which pushes the top 30 or so players to the right level?

    There’s no point us all sticking our fingers in the pie, hopefully there’s some good people on the committee who can pull it all together, but our hockey community is pretty big and diverse, so if there’s things we can do to make the proposal, and the eventual team better, then we’d be keen to hear.


    If my memory serves me correctly Bode is the co-ordinator of that particular committee.


    Yeah the group putting this project together is Bode, Jackie Christos, Ryan Wick, James Van Leeuween, Toby Schuck and I think there is one other person but I can’t remember who.

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