Website Additions

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    On request of visitors to the site I’ve been “slowly” adding new pages and content. Some of this doesn’t warrant going under “Latest News” so I’m listing it in here for anyone who’s interested.

    The tips section has undergone a slight revamp with more content being added to the following pages:

    The about section was reworked a while back too:

    Plus the following pages have been added tonight:

    These changes are mainly content taken from Please let me know if there’s anything you think should be added, removed, corrected or otherwise.


    PS: thanks to Stephen Murphy for letting us use a bunch of his photos of Dunedin


    And a glossary now too:


    Holy crap columns.

    You’re totally freaking me out dude.


    Took you a while to notice! They only work in Firefox though. Columns are a function being added to CSS3 when it’s officially released, but Firefox has added them as a specific function for their browser in the mean time.



    Cascading StyleSheets freak me out, which is why mine is as basic as I can get away with! 😆

    "Chris":1zvm4vog wrote:
    Cascading StyleSheets freak me out, which is why mine is as basic as I can get away with! :lol:[/quote:1zvm4vog]

    They’re easy once you get your head round how they work.

    I can rip through your code with a fine tooth comb and point out how to fix all the bugs if you want (there’s quite a few in there – I had a look the other day). I find that’s the easiest way to learn this stuff. I gave this site to a bunch of nerds I found on the net about 8 months ago and got back a few 5 page documents outlining various corrections! I learned more from that than I ever did just practicing by myself.



    Dude, if you are really bored and feel like tearing my code to shreds, please be my guest! That website is a patchwork cloak of code from various spots around the place, and I really want to get a decent understanding of the whole business before designing the websites for a couple of my family’s business ventures.

    So, demolish away, mighty guru! <img decoding=” title=”Tongue” />


    Just cos the talk is about computer stuff….I thought I might point out that, from experience of much time wasted, that this web site, the Dunedin Ice Hockey website is the most accessable, easy to follow, and recently/frequently updated web site out of all the other Ice hockey web sites such as AUCKLAND’s teams and Chirstchurch and more… This web site you can find out game times, practices, and know whats going on without having to know people who work at the rink or take a hike to the nearest rink and see whats happening and HOPE that you meet an Ice hockey player…NO this website has an active forum which has conversation about whats happening and how the games are going and what the latest issues are…I recently went onto an Auckland site and the last time anyone had been on it was last year. So a big CONGRATS for making this web site accesable and easy to understand cos trust me it makes the difference between people checking out ice hockey (then finding out its the best sport in the world) and just giving up cos ya don’t know when the beginners is or if there are any social games, or how it all works.
    People (potential Players!) see the comunity that is on this website and see that they could be part of something new, really growing and exciting, and because of that a positive image of Ice Hockey is portrayed….and I’ll stop there before yas all think im just a silly girl having a reflective moment! <img decoding=” title=”Cheesy” />
    So thanks myself and many others appreciate the time and effort that is spent up keeping this site.
    Keep ya chin up!


    I Concur
    You guys do an excellent job.


    Nice novel Jane!

    Yeah, Ryan and Kyle are the men. Snaps for Ryan and Kyle! Booyah! <img decoding=” title=”Cool” />


    I can take pretty much zero credit for the web site. That’s Ryan’s gig.

    I do… other stuff <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />



    On the “About” page, the menu bar is tiled vertically rather than horizontally in IE 6. Is it supposed to be that way, or is that just IE being a pain in the arse?


    Compliments <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

    "Chris":29jwp2v4 wrote:

    On the “About” page, the menu bar is tiled vertically rather than horizontally in IE 6. Is it supposed to be that way, or is that just IE being a pain in the arse?[/quote:29jwp2v4]
    Oh poo!

    Thanks for pointing that out! The about page has (in theory) an improved code/templating system. It’s obviously a little bugged though. Should be fairly easy to fix, it’s been like that for months so will probably fix it in a few weeks. Or maybe before I get time.


    "Kyle":3m9m8g2c wrote:
    I can take pretty much zero credit for the web site. That’s Ryan’s gig.[/quote:3m9m8g2c]

    Kyle is my technical advisor <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” /> ie: he tells me when and what I screw up on the site – which tends to be quite a lot and quite often <img decoding=” title=”Tongue” />


    As in ‘technically I advise’, but Ryan left me behind in web site design some time ago, as I haven’t done it for years, and he’s entered serious geek mode with it.

    Now I just whine at him about it and keep him on track <img decoding=” title=”Smiley” />

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