Massive hockey gear sale!

Forums Forums Buy, sell and exchange Massive hockey gear sale!

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    I went and deleted all the original photos, but I forgot to stop and have now deleted ALL of them! I don’t have time to find the URL for the pics again, so here’s a simple listing …

    Franklin Shin guards 14″
    Black socks
    Mission Warp shin guards

    plus a few other things I’ve forgotten about

    And I keep forgetting to send that stuff to you.


    any chance of a delivery 2 mosgiel? as its proving to b imposible to get into town for a pick up. im after the mission warp shin pads


    Not likely, I don’t think I’ll be going near Mosgiel any time soon.

    I am considering going to watch the Bulls play on Wednesday night (if the game is at a reasonable time), so if you are at the rink I could take them along for you to have a look at.


    i will be at the rink from abowt 6 til 7.30 probly but im gesing the game wont be till long after that?


    Actually, the Bulls played tonight, so I won’t be there tomorrow night at all sorry.



    If you can bring them to my work tomorrow I’ll be there at that time tomorrow night, and I can swap them for the money and get it back to you.


    Yep, I can do that.

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