NZIHL 2010 season

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    Yeah i don’t know why fighting isn’t allowed it would attract way more supporters for NZIHL games everyone loves watching a fight and would keep dirty unsportsmanlike behavior down. People who are that dead set against fighting and violence dont come to watch or play hockey anyway.  It seems like an obvious step for taking NZ hockey to the next level.

    "plod16":2y2meci7 wrote:
    Vince, does that mean that you’re attempting to try out and play for the two remaining teams that you haven’t played for??

    heard fighting was spoken about again at a recent meeting, any thoughts?

    I dont want to be tied with corey down so maybe


    @Kyle I am under the impression the NZIHL rules are based on the IIHF ones, but not necessarily tied to them completely. For example this year is the first year the goalie measurements are going to be enforced, and since the rules and regulations on the nzihl website are down i can’t cite others.
    Also if this is True how come Jacque and the guy that dominated him last year didn’t get banned for next game.
    Plod asked for discussion here and mentioned it had been discussed at NZIHL meeting, so presumably the rules are not set in stone?

    @Vince, your also tied with Toby on paper. Not to mention Paris Heyd.


    so not so unique then

    "Tom":it4bsake wrote:
    People who are that dead set against fighting and violence dont come to watch or play hockey anyway.

    Apart from all those people like me who are dead set against fighting and watch and play hockey.

    "Azzy77":it4bsake wrote:
    Plod asked for discussion here and mentioned it had been discussed at NZIHL meeting, so presumably the rules are not set in stone?

    Plod will be referring to the Trim meeting I suspect, which was 2 May. The events manual is amended at the AGM, which amended the mouth guard rules, confirmed the overtime/shootouts, and hacked the warm up. TRIM meetings are only really about interpretation and mechanics.

    The only rule change since then is they’ve fixed up the section in the new shootouts which was contradictory. But that’s copied straight from the IIHF rules (also contradictory).

    "Azzy77":it4bsake wrote:
    Also if this is True how come Jacque and the guy that dominated him last year didn’t get banned for next game.

    Where does it say in the IIHF rules that fighting automatically leads to a ban for the next game? No where. Subsequent discipline (or lack of) is handed in the events manual.


    The NZIHF wouldn’t even waiver on allowing women to compete in contact hockey, so I can’t imagine them allowing players to fight with effectively no punishment for it.

    If anything they seem more intent on enforcing more rules, not less rules, ie: compulsory mouth guards and visors.

    "Ryan":107xpel2 wrote:
    If anything they seem more intent on enforcing more rules, not less rules, ie: compulsory mouth guards and visors.

    There’s an out-of-date statement.

    Mouthguards now recommended as long as you’re wearing a face cage. Compulsory if you don’t have a full cage on.


    I wouldn’t encourage players to fight but should one happen, I don’t think it should be heavily penalized when you have two willing participants.  I’m a bit old school in thinking fighting is a deterent to certain behaviors.

    "Kyle":wivbqqml wrote:
    There’s an out-of-date statement.

    Mouthguards now recommended as long as you’re wearing a face cage. Compulsory if you don’t have a full cage on.

    When did that happen?


    this year.  I was told about that one a few weeks ago maybe


    Good rule change. It was never followed by players anyway.

    I remember an SIHL game where half our bench were chewing gum and sticking it on our teeth in case the ref came to check if we had a mouth guard on. Far more likely to choke on chuddy than get knocked out :p


    The mouth guard rule is another stupid rule. If a player wants to wear one or not it should be there decision same with a visor.

    "Ryan":2gz5d8qv wrote:
    "Kyle":2gz5d8qv wrote:
    There’s an out-of-date statement.

    Mouthguards now recommended as long as you’re wearing a face cage. Compulsory if you don’t have a full cage on.

    When did that happen?


    It’s following the IIHF rule change.

    Here it happened in February at the NZIHF.NZIHL AGM.

    "Tom":3m75zj0c wrote:
    The mouth guard rule is another stupid rule. If a player wants to wear one or not it should be there decision same with a visor.

    should helmets be optional too?  mouthguards were meant more for concussion/head injury than for dental health.  Despite nay-sayers, the majority of info suggests they help.


    i have never been concussed / knocked out playing with NO mouthguard. what i do know is that they restrict my breathing (not healthy) and they make communication difficult. i have abosolutely no faith in a mouthguard to save any sort of injury. rubbish things.
    Who intriduce the mouthguard rule in the 1st place? I assume it was at IIHF level, so was it lawyers avoiding law suits in countries like america where there is no ACC? or was it ACC here? or was it those people who think safety comes before fun? either way bad decision though the only one i could agree with really is from the insurance companies complaining about payouts

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