Here is a map of all of the best places to skate in New Zealand. If you know of any I’ve missed let me know where they are and I’ll add them to the map.
View SlapShot map of New Zealand in a larger map[/html]
There’s a couple of marker pegs which aren’t lined up correctly as I wasn’t sure exactly where the rink/pond was, but they’re vaguely in the correct viccinity. The ones I wasn’t sure of have a comment saying they’re probably not in the correct place.
Thanks to Clive Murphie of the Aardwolfs Ice Hockey Club[/url:106u7jux] for providing lots of information about the more obscure rinks and ponds dotted around the place. If you are ever feel like playing some mini-golf in Christchurch you should go check out Stewarts Gully Mini Golf[/url:106u7jux] (Clive owns it).