Wellington Ice rink progress?

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    Re: Travel, to queenstown from chch its just a drive.
    To Taupo for most teams it would be a flight than a (2 hr +) drive which i suppose isn’t too bad. I was thinking more in terms of cost, I assume its easier to get cheap flights between chch, queenstown and Dunedin to Auckland than it is to taupo??

    Incidentally never thought about it before but South Island teams get shafted. All 3 have one 3hr and one 6 hr drive, which generally is followed immediately to a couple of hours within arrival, with a game.

    Whereas North Island teams, have a 30min drive (>????) and then fly directly to the oppositions rink for the other games.


    overall travel time is different for south vs north but I think travel costs are probably fairly similar.  In order to keep costs reasonable, I think a Taupo team would require a flight to somwhere like hamilton and then a drive unless airport costs are similar. 

    I think getting a rink and a club competition is more important then worrying about nzihl at this point though


    agree with you there, need to build a base of operations an get established before we think of NZIHL wellington would be a much better venue and apparently the Mayor is all for it but just getting thing going would take a while but 6-8yrs?? really?? one thing i do know is that the marketing is complete crap! well here in brisbane is, there are Zero Posters or Radio announcements or ANYTHING! I only found my local rink because my sister was looking for the ymca and drove past a sign that said ‘ice world’ so she went for a look. Plenty of in-house adverts but other than that? yeh i know it costs money… still…

    2 Ice Rinks within an hour from eachother here, not one poster/sign/advert between em…

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