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I’m sposed to be working right now but anyhows! ….
I got a phone call from Phil Pielak-Jones before who confirmed that there has definitely been no confusion over the committees decision. This is what I assumed but couldn’t confirm since I wasn’t there. So I’ve shunted all the stuff from the main forum either complaining, questioning or in reply to complaints or questions about the process in here.
The committee decision has been made. Questioning it in a public forum is not exactly going to help! Feel free to question away in here, but the forum is not a place for second guessing a committee decision, particularly one in which you are a member, plus questioning a committee decision on a forum which is [b:39uu78fc]technically[/b:39uu78fc] under the control of that committee is a little odd.
End of rant … hopefully the debate over colour schemes and names will continue as before now!
imported_RyanMemberUm, there’s nothing wrong with it. I think we need to get back on track though. Decisions have been made, nothing has changed, so I don’t see much point debating it.
Any Dunedin based NZIHL team will presumably have it’s own branding, just like Canterbury and the Auckland teams do. This is fairly normal for hockey; NHL etc. follow this model and I assume that’s where the NZIHF got the concept from.
June 8, 2007 at 1:10 pm in reply to: Re: Notice/email to club members asking for their opinion on the branding/marketing. #4713imported_RyanMemberThis is all a mess.
Thanks for the post in the main forum Kyle. I was temped to write something similar, but I’m trying to remain as neutral as possible since I’m stuck in the thick of it.
I agree, new topic necessary.
But I’d better get back to bed instead of posting in here all night!
June 8, 2007 at 12:34 pm in reply to: Re: Notice/email to club members asking for their opinion on the branding/marketing. #4710imported_RyanMemberYep, definitely groaning. Although I agree that linking to those topics is probably not a good idea now.
I didn’t think there was any ambiguity, I have no idea what the problem is and why people are questioning things now, this is extremely late in the piece to start complaining, this has clearly been the intention all along. The decisions as far as I knew were fairly clear cut, there’s going to be a branding change and the intention has been for some time (well, 6 weeks or so I think) that we’d have a decision on a direction by the end of June. I’m slightly out of the loop having not attended the last few meetings though so I don’t know what the formal/informal decisions of the committee were.
And no neither Graham or Paul Roth were at the meeting on Monday.
Well I gotta go to bed now and am busy the whole of tomorrow and the whole of Sunday, so unless some of you work on this yourself it’s going to have to wait till Monday evening which is getting ridiculously late!
imported_RyanMemberWell you’ve hit the nail on the head there, that’s one of the reasons for the branding exercise.
imported_RyanMember"Paul Roth":3h9fvn37 wrote:Currently, we have youth levels, but after you turn 19 years old … what? Sure, there is SNC and social “beer” leagues, but nothing for the kids to really aspire to … [/quote:3h9fvn37]The Dunedin Premier team who (AFAIK) currently have no branding whatsoever.
imported_RyanMember"Paul Roth":6f79qyji wrote:Well, then, I don’t know what all the fuss is about.I think people only care about the name of the Dunedin National League team[/quote:6f79qyji]
Depends on your point of view I guess. I consider the local branding to be way more important than an NZIHL team. We have no branding at all at the moment, in fact a lot of people don’t even seem to know what the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association is!? But I am a little biased I spose as it directly affects me being the web admin and all.
The intention at this stage seems to be for us to follow the Queenstown Rangers approach. Steve suggested sticking with the status quo as far as labelling goes in his presentation and I quite liked that idea but it doesn’t seem to be very popular – either here in the forum, from email responses to Steve and it wasn’t very popular at the committee meeting either.
imported_RyanMember"Tom":1e40kn3a wrote:So will us Midgets miss out on our house leauge games now because of Socail Hockey?
[/quote:1e40kn3a]I’d doubt it. I usually get emailed a few days beforehand saying that the social game time has been changed whenever the midgets league runs in the later time slot.
June 8, 2007 at 7:06 am in reply to: Re: Notice/email to club members asking for their opinion on the branding/marketing. #4708imported_RyanMemberI have no idea how to explicitly link to anything any better than I have and no one has volunteered to rewrite this so it’ll have to go as is.
Kyle can you send this to the DIHL mail list plus any extras you have thanks. I’ll send this to the committee later tonight, but if someone gets a chance feel free to beat me to it. I’ve gotta go rush off now!
imported_RyanMember"Crash":2nk2sles wrote:Otherwise the scrimmage would have to take place at 5.15 straight after the public session.[/quote:2nk2sles]That’s not an option anyway as that’s when most of the Peewee house league games are scheduled in for.
imported_RyanMember"Paul Roth":8r51qakz wrote:Well, then, I guess we should be really clear on whether that is the case or not.If it is, it will be really confusing. No one will know whether the National League team is being referred to, or a Pee Wee, Midgets, Junior, or SNC team.
The Southern National League team is called “Stampede”. The regional youth teams are called the “Southern Knights”. Are all Canterbury teams called “Red Devils”?
[/quote:8r51qakz]I didn’t realise there was so much confusion here.
The marketing and branding committee are developing branding for the club, not a future NZIHL team necessarily. If you read over the original presentation by Steve I think you will find this is fairly clear – although I haven’t gone back to double check.
The only team in Canterbury called the “Red Devils” is their NZIHL team, the rest of the CIHA teams are known as the “Devils” and have been for quite some time now just as the SIHL teams are known as the “Southern Knights”.
There was some mention of fitting in with the NZIHL but that was just so that we don’t go confusing things and in case DIHA teams play any of the NZIHL teams in the future. Plus it may be preferable to use the same concept for a future NZIHL team as is used for the club much like the Red Devils and Stampede have – albeit with different names.
June 7, 2007 at 9:44 am in reply to: Re: Notice/email to club members asking for their opinion on the branding/marketing. #4705imported_RyanMemberHopefully this is more in line with what is wanted. Ryan W, I’ve tried to include all of your suggestions. Kyle, I’m not sure how to include Ryan W’s original suggestions other than asking people to look at the forum links; I could include the pics as direct links, but I wasn’t sure there was much point since they’re already in the posts. I still think we need to include colour options though, but I’ve left them out since that’s what someone (Ryan W I think) suggested it above.
Feel free to critique away. We do need to get something sent ASAP though and I’m still going to be busy for the next 4-5 days and it definitely needs to be sent before then.
EDIT: I’m not going to be offended if anyone wants to butcher this and rewrite it, so knock yourself out if you feel like totally rewriting it.
Hi everyone,As some of you may be aware, the Dunedin Ice Hockey Association is in the process of developing a new image for itself. The intention is to create an image for the association based around a new colour scheme and name. As part of this re-branding process, we would like to get your opinion and views on a variety of things associated with this. If you want your opinion to be heard then please leave a post in our web forum ( by Wednesday or if you don’t want your opinion made public you can email us at [email:2cwm9952][/email:2cwm9952].
[b:2cwm9952]Things to think about[/b:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]History of Dunedin[/*:m:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]Emotions to portray – fast, energetic etc.[/*:m:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]Historical sites[/*:m:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]Geographical sites[/*:m:2cwm9952][/list:u:2cwm9952]There has been some discussion on this issue on the DIHA web forum. some initial consultation with you all a few names have been suggested which have had some support. Other names are definitely welcome. Once all your opinions are collated, the DIHA committee will make the final decision in the next two weeks based on your input.
[b:2cwm9952]Team name options[/b:2cwm9952]
[*:2cwm9952]…… all suggestions welcome ….[/*:m:2cwm9952]
Ryan Hellyer
DIHA Marketing and Branding Subcommittee
8th June 2007June 7, 2007 at 9:43 am in reply to: Re: Notice/email to club members asking for their opinion on the branding/marketing. #4704imported_RyanMember"Ryan Wick":3539v9pv wrote:that the winner will get a free framed jersey.[/quote:3539v9pv]Nice idea, but I can’t really add that without permission from the club first.
Email update coming soon! Sorry for the delay, but I’m mega busy and just don’t have the time for this stuff.
Apologies for not being more on the ball ” title=”Sad” />
imported_RyanMemberFYI, I’m just going with the flow. I’m no expert on this stuff and am just trying to shunt it along so it doesn’t end up like a stereotypical DIHA committee meeting thing.
imported_RyanMemberI figured the above posts were more of a committee only issue so I’ve shunted them in here.
I don’t have much time here, but there seems to have been some miscommunication somewhere along the line as Steve Jackson was totally aware that Beth wanted a simple colour scheme and name of some sort (if at all) so she can start working on things at the very beginning of July.
Since I haven’t been to committee meetings for a while I have no idea what the committee thought other than that I assumed Steve had everything under control to be sorted out by then.
PS: Graham, I agree that naming a team without colours is ass about faced. Colours are an integral part of the concept. But others don’t seem to agree.