Forum Replies Created
It’s good to see you understand how it works then. Goalies stand there doing nothing all night, defense skate round in circles and the forwards go do all the work for us ” title=”Smiley” />
"Jaimee":19cyd905 wrote:Hello Kyle, what do you mean..? A goalie do work for a change??????[/quote:19cyd905]We all know that goalies just stand there and waggle their arms! “Butterfly” is just another way of saying “sitting on my butt” ” title=”Tongue” /> That fake sweat and exhausted red look you guys get isn’t fooling anyone!
And welcome to the forum ” title=”Smiley” />
Ryan – [i:19cyd905]ducking for cover![/i:19cyd905]
imported_RyanMember"Jono_":1sh6wi0i wrote:Have any decisions been made about what type of flooring is going to be put down?[/quote:1sh6wi0i]The concrete that is there currently at this stage. Painting the floor will cost at least $700, probably more. There is an outside possibility we may get it painted for us but I wouldn’t hold your breathe. Besides, the concrete should do the trick in the mean time.
Anything fancier than that will need to wait a while, unlikely to be this year.
Hans is now talking about installing a pay as you go system for the lights. So you’d chuck a dollar in for 30 mins lights or something like that. Some money would go to the DIHA, some to the rink. Essentially just a way to generate some money, as the cost to run the lights will be almost zero.
imported_RyanMemberDVD burning is a necessity unfortunately. I spose I could encode it as an SVCD, but that’s kinda crappy and (I think) most DVD players can’t play them. VCDs are too crappy, the footage will be bad enough with my wobbly hands and shoddy editing let alone making it worse with shonky encoding ” title=”Tongue” />
[size=140:2ufn58s3]Any other volunteers to burn some DVDs for selling?[/size:2ufn58s3]
imported_RyanMemberMark was reading over my shoulder and here’s his reponse.
"Mark Hareb":3mlggfnj wrote:Um, our DIHL team will play their B team and our SIHL team will play their A-team if that suits.[/quote:3mlggfnj]imported_RyanMemberI’d be inclined to post this in the main forum. There may be some randoms out there keen to pull a team together we don’t know about. I’ve emailed it to Deb Handcock in case she wants to pull together a 2007 Bears/2006 Bullfrogs DIHL B-grade team.
imported_RyanMember"rookie#19":35zwytt7 wrote:Hey Ryan, any chance i can give u some money and u put our Stampede game on disc for me?
[/quote:35zwytt7]No, but I’ll burn it for you for free as long as you agree to burn copies for anyone else who wants a copy, charge $5 for them and give the money back to the club minus the cost of the disks. I highly doubt you’ll get many takers, last time I did a DVD for the DIHL I sold about 10 copies I think at $5 each but it’s an easy way to make a small bit of cash for the club for minimal effort.
imported_RyanMemberAny progress on this Harrison?
I’ll be video’ing the games on Saturday and Sunday probably and hopefully will have them uploaded on Sunday all going to plan.
imported_RyanMember"Kyle":3bp6mvip wrote:Yup.But… I’m not so sure about the future side of it.[/quote:3bp6mvip]
The future is here already! Go Beasties ” title=”Smiley” />
Oh, and of course buy lots of tickets off us (via Mark) as we need all the practice time we can get ” title=”Smiley” />
imported_RyanMember"Kyle":q5akcmv5 wrote:Think of the children Jack. They are the future after all.[/quote:q5akcmv5]Have you seen the Beasts? We are as childish as it gets ” title=”Tongue” />
imported_RyanMember"Kyle":2lnsvcl5 wrote:What sort of service does he offer? Free sets of steak knives?[/quote:2lnsvcl5]Yes, but WAIT there’s more !!!!! If you buy one ticket now, you can buy your next ticket for the bargain price of only $10. That’s $10!!!!! And to top it off, he also offers free postage and packaging on all purchases over $9.
Ryanimported_RyanMemberHans talked to me last night, he’s planning to work on it over the next few days. He wants more lights from me so fingers crossed I can get a few more! We’ve got 6x 55 W fluorescent bulbs up there at the moment (330 W total) and he wants 12, so that’d be 660 W total, should be enough to keep it nice and bright ” title=”Tongue” /> At the very least there’s still the three original ones up there so that’d be 495 W total.
imported_RyanMember"Crash":2pesijri wrote:I though it was 8-3[/quote:2pesijri]I’m pretty sure you’re right there. The official results should be out within a week or so, so we can confirm then.
imported_RyanMember"Kyle":3eru84er wrote:No, buy them off me. Dammit.[/quote:3eru84er]Mark offers much better service so I suggest purchasing via him, he can alternatively be contacted via email at [email:3eru84er][/email:3eru84er]
imported_RyanMemberNo idea, you’ll need to ask Hans. I’m not sure where he’s at with it and I haven’t seen him for ages. It would be nice to have this up and running soon, I was planning to have it built by now.