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I don’t get it.
Callan couldn’t find a team either …. the solution? He made his own team. The women got together and decided they wanted to play, so they entered a team. Tom decided he wanted to play, so he formed a team and entered it. What was stopping the rest of you from doing the same thing?
I don’t really understand what the problem is. If you want to play, form a team. That’s how sports work. You form a team and you enter a competition. Pretty simple really.
imported_RyanMemberDunedin SK8 5: Christchurch Rangers 1
The Bull Tahrs vs Womens game was a farce. Don’t know what the score was and don’t think it really mattered.
imported_RyanMemberI may have a couple of scores slightly wrong, but these are the rough results from the games played so far today.
Dunedin Women 2 : Christchurch Rangers 3
Dunedin Penguins 15 : Dunedin SK8 0
Christchurch Jagr Bombs 5 : McKenzie Bull Tahrs 3
Dunedin Penguins 16 : Christchurch Rangers 0
McKenzie Bull Tahrs 4 : Dunedin SK8 0Sk8 vs Rangers this evening should be a close game.
imported_RyanMemberAdded a poll. Go vote ” title=”Smiley” />
imported_RyanMember"Rhys M":2sytqbyh wrote:Hmmm it just seems strange that I recieve some but not all then….[/quote:2sytqbyh]Some may be coming from Clubhub whereas some may be coming from direct emails perhaps? The Clubhub ones would only reach registered members presumably – which I think is a flaw as many non-current members may also appreciate the emails too and it could encourage them to re-register.
Either way, if you are motivated enough it’s pretty easy to find out what’s going on these days. Most of the critically important stuff is posted on the website.
The Easton Cup could do with someone behind it driving it forwards. I put forward a proposal to the DIHA a few years ago, it was agreed that it was a good idea, but I’m guessing it gone thrown in the trash as none of it was ever implemented. It didn’t help that it was just a proposal and I wasn’t volunteering to run the event though.
It’s quite a unique thing on the national hockey calendar and with a bit of creative marketing I could easily see it becoming a major attraction for teams across the country and from other countries to enter. The Erewhon cup is too consumed with political turmoil and bureaucracy to grow to it’s full potential but the Easton Cup doesn’t have such issues holding it back, just the lack of anyone affording the time to drive it forwards.
imported_RyanMember"Rhys M":24v3aizq wrote:But maybe it is a case of to many indians and not enough cheifs or helpers at least! If you guys wanted more help to advertise or whatever sing out! I for one would have helped[/quote:24v3aizq]This is normally the problem in my experience. Indians are hard to find unfortunately.
But yeah, there is very rarely any requests for help. The thing is though, when people do ask for help, pretty much no one bothers to help. 99% of the volunteer work is done by the ones who approach the organisers directly asking to pitch in. The ones that wait to be asked seem to have good intentions, but rarely actually help. I suspect you will find that’s why there aren’t many requests for assistance these days, it simply doesn’t seem to matter, or at least that’s my experience of it.
I always ask for help anyway as I figure it gives me justification for whining about getting stuck doing everything myself ” title=”Tongue” />
imported_RyanMember"Rhys M":3pbbtt4e wrote:it wasnt advertised om the DIHA website until around two weeks ago……..[/quote:3pbbtt4e]Actually, it was almost four weeks ago.
About three months notice would be much better IMO though so that out of town teams are able to fit it around their own schedules/sort everything in advance.
imported_RyanMemberSome random stats on the number of teams from previous years. Based on these, it seems this is the best year since 2007 since there’s a 50/50 ratio of local to ‘out of town’ teams.
2010 … le2010.pdf
3 local teams
3 out of town teams2009 … hedule.pdf
4 local teams
2 out of town teams2008 … draw08.pdf
4 local teams
1 out of town team2007 … draw07.pdf
4 local teams
4 out of town teamsimported_RyanMemberWelcome to the forum Walter!
You seemed to have caught Graham’s habit of failing to point out what city you are referring to though ” title=”Tongue” />
imported_RyanMemberIt seems to me that the Easton Cup has been run in a much more orderly fashion this year. In previous years it has always seemed (from the outside) that someone in Auckland made a nice shiny poster on time which was plastered everywhere and anywhere. But then nothing was done to ensure things were sorted and ordered in the weeks leading up to the event and so at the very last minute the event organisers had to scurry around like mad chooks trying to find players to fill teams, some of which didn’t even have managers/organisers. So the actual event organisers were running teams within the event.
This year it seems they just slapped up an ad on the web, posted out an email and welcomed people to join, provided rough estimates of dates, times, prices etc. and because that information was provided well in advance, they accordingly had a bunch of people volunteer to run teams and find players. Personally I’m far more likely to organise a team for an event if I know what the deal is long before hand, that was not the case in some of the previous Easton Cup events.
Presumably those entering teams already had their players lined up, or knew where to find them and hence we aren’t seeing anyone running around madly trying to find replacement players at the last minute.
Perhaps what looks like disorganisation is actually the exact opposite?
imported_RyanMember"Rhys M":2qast6vx wrote:Maybe if easton cup was advertsied more in advance like it has been in previous years you wouldve had attendances like a few years ago,
[/quote:2qast6vx]Has the number of competitors dropped? I was under the impression it was fairly constant. But I don’t recall exact numbers of teams entered.
imported_RyanMemberSad to see Gore not fielding a team. A Queenstown team would be nice too.
The standard sure has shot up somewhat from the last time I competed.
"Kyle":ct61pe94 wrote:Ah yup, thanks for the reminder. Schedule is on the web site.[/quote:ct61pe94]I considered putting it on myself but decided not to since I wasn’t sure if it was the official one or not.
imported_RyanMemberThat sucks! Hopefully you catch the person.
imported_RyanMemberHave any of you seen the Thunder imports playing?
I heard bad reports about one of them being kinda slow. I haven’t heard anything about the rest though.
imported_RyanMemberStrange that Auckland would have such low attendances despite such a massive potential audience up there.