Forum Replies Created
Member"Janey":1lskwedc wrote:I am havin such issues with the computers here at tech half of them wont open my exel stuff and the other half dont work at all
and then there is the case that EVErYONE ELSE is using them so there are none free..
[/quote:1lskwedc]Come see me then. I have a computer and have the night off so can help you with some of this stuff if you want.
MemberWelcome to the forum Otto
” title=”Smiley” />
Jacques is definitely around but I don’t have his contact details. I’m sure someone will be along shortly who will be able to help.
PS: The image in your post above wasn’t working correctly (something to do with how the file was being served by Google I think) so I’ve attached it directly to your post instead.
Member"rookie#19":3qclsh0e wrote:duh ryan.. oh, and never mind about the above request. ive won my auction on trademe! woohoo!![/quote:3qclsh0e]
I’m confused. You’ve won Weemac a set of 30″ goal pads on Trademe?
MemberAudrey is out of hibernation and needs fed. I’ll pay up to $1 for a live fly and $2 for a healthy maggot.
MemberThe photos from the Peewees, midgets and juniors games have been up for a week and a bit (see front page for link). I don’t think there are any official photos of the womens and SNC games though as Peter Idoine (who did the others) wasn’t here that weekend.
If they are posted, they’ll most likely be up at[/url:25qr8333] first.
Member"Janey":1x6py4se wrote:yea I got that message about Jamie, Ah well Andy and David said they would be there so at least I wont be doing it entirely on my own.[/quote:1x6py4se]The easiest way to do it would have been to send the list of players and teams to everyone first. At the moment I don’t know if you are trying to sort 100+ players into teams or not and that makes a huge difference to how much time it will take – hence I’m not coming.
And if you are still planning to look at the A-grade tonight it’d be useful to see the grading list, which hasn’t been sent round yet – or at least not to me.
Member"Chris":35x58x6v wrote:In public? on a dam?? Wouldn’t that have been pretty cold?[/quote:35x58x6v]Nah, remember we did the same with the Beasts team last we were in Alex? It wasn’t too cold at all. In fact it was probably warmer than on the rink here in Dunedin as the sun was blazing away. Vicky has some nice photos she took of you and Mark in action that day, I’ll ask her to post them here.
Member"Chris":37z7ppmp wrote:She’s not an “adult beginner” by any stretch of the imagination![/quote:37z7ppmp]That is very true. She did tell me once that she tried it back in the sixties on the Manorburn dam with my dad.
MemberI wont be coming tomorrow night either, too much stuff to do.
How many teams have entered into the B-grade?
Also, in case you forget … Jaimee Wood needs to be on the same team as her dad (Larry Martin) and wants to be on the same team as me.
MemberThanks for the input so far. It looks like 480×360 is the preferred resolution. However the example above seems to be jittering even on fast connections. So I’ve uploaded a new file, same resolution, but lower bit rate (500 instead of 768 kbps) and with a slightly lower audio quality (quite shitty instead of just shitty quality). The new example shows up more compression errors, but should load silky smooth even on crappy 256K connections.
Lemme know if you think it’s okay or if I should bump up or drop down the bit rate.
RyanPS: I’ll still probably add the occasional full res. mega high bit rate versions for small/popular clips. I just can’t be bothered doing multiples of each one as it takes quite a while to encode and upload them all.
[align=center:zz2pgy76][size=3:zz2pgy76][b:zz2pgy76]New encoding, 480×360, 500kbps, 25 fps[/b:zz2pgy76][/size:zz2pgy76]
Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.
Member"Chris":3b8exxn9 wrote:I’m bringing Ryan’s mum
[/quote:3b8exxn9]? ? ? what the ? ? ?
Anywhos, gimme a text if you need her address to pick her up.
MemberWelcome to the forum Weemac15, whoever you may be
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MemberNope. The National champs are on tonight. If there isn’t a notice here and there isn’t a notice on the home page then it’s safe to assume that no game is on.
Member[align=center:1z7gvalz][size=3:1z7gvalz][b:1z7gvalz]Video footage of most of the third period.[/b:1z7gvalz][/size:1z7gvalz]
Get the Flash Player to see the wordTube Media Player.
Member"Kyle":5s3sw2zc wrote:I spoke to the owner yesterday.It is indeed true, he closed it in over the summer, and it won’t be melted this summer.
[/quote:5s3sw2zc]When I saw it the other day it had glass windows. Will they be staying? Doesn’t seem like the most effective insulation.
This is great news for Queenstown hockey players.