Forum Replies Created
MemberYea but we break glass panels, so i guess it evens out nicely.
MemberHey Ryan, any chance i can give u some money and u put our Stampede game on disc for me?
MemberNa everyone come into SK8 and buy them, support our synchro team, dont worry about hockey.
MemberWhat do u get if u sell them?
MemberCan we use the shooting gallery yet??
Memberuuummmm… no
MemberTodays motivational advice, from Mr T:
“Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only then will you realise that money cannot be eaten” – Indian ProphecyMay 16, 2007 at 12:07 pm in reply to: I know this isn’t hockey but its too good not to put up… #3919rookie19
Member“1, 2, 3, BE SOMEBODY!!!”
Il second that.
Plus how about 3 cheers for the other team, 1 for the ref, and 1 for MR. T!!
” title=”Cheesy” />
MemberYep no worries, the main reason i posted about this is because i heard some players saying how unfair our team was, and would rather fix this for the future. I think our 14-1 or whatever game scared some people, and it did look a tad one sided. However with our huge 6 player bench at the moment, we are probably one of the weaker teams to be honest.
Although I agree with your idea of balancing the teams kyle, i dont think we should get into changing the teams too much on the night. To keep this league competitive we need to establish “teams”, that play together, as when you start mixing teams on the night, it does turn the league into social hockey, rather than one bunch of players battling all season to make the finals, with a goal at the end of it.
Even though the idea of balancing would make for better hockey, ultimately it is up to the teams to get their players there, and so with players not showing up on occasions, it probably balances out quite nicely. Im too lazy to get all our players there, thats kind of why our team has dropped in numbers, but my idea is that i shouldnt chase players, if they really want to play they will come.
MemberHaha im really just stirring shit, Crosbys good its just funny how everyone jumps to his defence! But look at this how he bounces off Ovechkin when he skates right at him! Ovechkin clearly the better man on this one.
Crosby is good, i think he is an awesome player with a ton of skill, but just feel he lacks something. The NHL is selling him as their new Gretzky, as with the drop in tv ratings they have apparently experienced (according to the hockey news) in the last few years, they need a star that people will want to watch. Hes basically being sold as the face of the NHL now.
Ryan, you say it was a one-off season, Afinogneov scored some ridiculously big goals for the Sabres last season, i think he will continue to do so. But guess we will have to see how the Senators series goes!! I would like a Canadian team to win the cup for sure, but would probably rather Buffalo over any other team at this stage.
The reason for my kinky russian fetish is they ARE more fun to watch. They hype the game up, and the fact is im not an NHL Coach behind the bench, and will probably never be (i might coach Ryans beloved Canucks u never know), so i guess this is my reasoning for liking the faster, more skilled game they play. They seem to have that explosiveness that many other players in the NHL lack.
But ultimately, until Crosby scores a goal as big as Mighty Max’s in game 5 vs. NY, im gna have to stick with the Russian phenom.
Peace and Godbless Afinogenov,
STIFF #19 (after the Great Joe Sakic, a canadian, and my idol growing up!!!)rookie19
MemberEasy boys, Crosby is good, Maxim is great.
Ovechkin and Afinogenov both kick crosbys ass for real.
Maxim is a big part of the reason the Sabres moved on against the Rangers, however Crosby couldnt step up for the poor penguins, so they are now golfing! I know on paper Siddy looks hot, but there are tons of players far more skilled than him. Hes probably the most effective player in the NHL, but I must say he lacks the flare of a lot of other players.Just my opinion Tom, ur sticking with your boy Crosby, thats good, im just testing your faith!
Peace and Godbless Afinogenov and the Sabres, and mabye Crosby too.
MemberHaha, Ryan, Ryan, Ryan
What are we going to do with you??The slug team uniforms may not look the best, but youl be watching the mighty Sabres in the next round while your beloved Canucks get out the golf clubs!!
Afinogenov = God
god what a power trip, dont worry be happy!!
” title=”Grin” />
MemberEasy on the refs boys and girls!!
Refs do a great job here, mabye in the game players get a bit fired up over a call, in the heat of the moment thats fair enough; but lets not worry about bad calls the day after boys!! Reffing is bloody tough, and it takes a long time to get good at it, so let keep the critisism constructive!!
Peace and godbless refs,